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Center for the Arts / Wesleyan University
Peter Fischli 
and David Weiss
Son et Lumiere
Renée Green
Americas: Veritas
Renée Green
Karrabing Film Collective
The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland 
Karrabing Film Collective
Wutharr, Saltwater Dreams
Tacita Dean
The Green Ray
Arthur Jafa
Trisha Baga
Winter’s Spring
Stanya Kahn
Stand in the Stream
Stanya Kahn: Artist TalkTosh Basco (aka boychild): PerformanceStreaming OnlineDecolonizing Death and Rituals of CareCharlotte Prodger
Streaming OnlineVictoria Pitts-Taylor: “Deep pasts and failed futures”Streaming OnlineRenée Green: Artist Talk