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Center for the Arts / Wesleyan University

Renée Green: Artist Talk
November 19, 2020

Watch Talk

Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 6pm


In a conversation moderated by Zilkha curator, Ben Chaffee (‘00) and exhibitions intern, Paul McLaren (‘21), Renée Green (Wesleyan '81) spoke about her practice and Americas: Veritas (2018), and ED/HF (2018). This event was generously co-sponsored by the Wesleyan Department of Art and Art History.


Renée Green is an artist, filmmaker, and writer. Green has had solo exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, New York; MAK Center for Art and Architecture at the Schindler House, Los Angeles; Lumiar Cité, Lisbon; Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin; Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como, Italy; Prefix Insitute for Contemporary Art, Toronto, and the Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and many other others. In addition her work has been featured in group exhibitions at the following insitutions: Whitney Museum, New Museum, and the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; Hammer Museum, and Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia; MMK, Vienna; Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville; Museum der Moderner, Salzburg, and many others.


In 2014, Duke University Press published Other Planes of There: Selected Writings. Other recent books include Endless Dreams and Time-Based Streams (2010) and Ongoing Becomings (2009). In early 2021 the Carpenter Center for Visual Arts at Harvard will publish Pacings in conjunction with Green's recent survey exhibition there. Green has published essays and writings in Transition, October, Frieze, Texte zur Kunst, Spex, Multitudes, Sarai Reader, and Collapse, among other magazines and journals. Her essays, as well as essays about her work, have also appeared in an assortment of itnernational cultural and scholarly books.


Green is Professor at MIT in the Art, Culture, and Technology Program.


Americas: Veritas, was screened at the Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery from September 8-22, 2020. ED/HF was available for limited screening online from September 8-November 22, 2020.