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Center for the Arts / Wesleyan University

Stanya Kahn: Artist Talk
October 21, 2020

A recording of this talk will be made available here within the next few days.


Wednesday October 21 at 8pm


Stanya Kahn is an interdisciplinary artist working primarily in video with a practice that includes drawing, sound, writing, performance and sculpture/installation. Humor, pathos and the uncanny are central to a hybrid media practice that seeks to re-work relationships between fiction and document, the real and the hyper-real, narrative time and the synchronic time of impulse. In a long-term investigation of how rhetoric gains and loses power, Kahn’s projects often situate language in the foreground of works that are dialectically driven by the demands and of the body.


Kahn will discuss her practice and the work Stand in the Stream (2011–17) an ambient digital feature film shot on multiple camera formats over the course of six years. The film’s vast and varied footage—all shot live or screen-captured during livestreams by Kahn in real time—is edited to create a visceral reflection of life, power, and uprising in late capitalism. The video will be streaming in the Zilkha Gallery October 16-28, 2020.